Freelance Latino Terms and Conditions

1. Terms

<p>1. Introduction 1.1. Welcome to The Freelance Latino ("the Platform"), a dedicated service that connects freelancers with clients seaking freelancers. The Freelance Latino does not discriminate against any race, religion, gender or disabliity. All are invited to create an account and submit for opportunities. 1.2. These Terms of Service ("Terms") govern your access to and use of our website, services, and any related software or tools. 1.3. By registering, accessing, or using our services, you agree to comply with these Terms and acknowledge that violation may result in account suspension or termination 1.4 The Freelance Latino platform has the right to promote Users images, profiles and videos for platform promotional services on social media, commercials, print, email, and all other means of marketing without users consent. The purpose of promotion and marketing is for the benefit of both the users and the platform.</p>

2. Use license

<p>2. User Accounts 2.1. Account Creation: Users must register by providing accurate, complete, and current information, including a valid email address, to create an account. 2.2. Account Responsibility: Users are responsible for all activities under their account and must immediately report unauthorized use. 2.3. Account Security: Users should maintain the confidentiality of their login credentials and are advised to use strong passwords. 3. Services Offered 3.1. Freelancer Services: Freelancers can offer services such as film crew skills, acting, graphic design, writing, programming, translation, and more, tailored to their skills and expertise. 3.2. Client Services: Clients can post projects, browse freelancer profiles, and hire freelancers. They must provide clear project descriptions and terms. No products or services may be promoted, displayed or exploited that are pornographic, illegal or drug related. 4. Payment Terms 4.1. Payment Process: The Platform uses a secure payment system. Clients fund projects upfront, and freelancers are paid upon completion. 4.2. Fees: The Platform charges a monthly subscription fee. Detailed fee structures are available on the website. 4.3. Disputes: In case of payment disputes, the Platform offers a mediation process to resolve issues amicably. 5. Conduct and Responsibilities 5.1. Professional Conduct: Users are expected to maintain professionalism, respect, and courtesy in all interactions. 5.2. Prohibited Activities: Includes fraud, harassment, violation of intellectual property rights, and other illegal and sexuality illicit activities. 5.3. Intellectual Property: Freelancers retain rights to their work until payment is received, after which rights are transferred to the client, unless otherwise agreed. 6. Termination and Suspension 6.1. Grounds for Termination: Includes breach of Terms, illegal activities, or other serious misconduct. 6.2. Suspension Policy: Accounts may be suspended for investigation in case of alleged misconduct. 6.3. Consequences of Termination: Termination results in account closure and forfeiture of any pending payments. 7. Dispute Resolution 7.1. Mediation Process: The Platform does not provide mediation services to help resolve disputes between freelancers and clients. 7.2. Legal Recourse: If mediation fails, parties may seek legal action under the jurisdiction of Los Angeles County, California. 8. Limitation of Liability 8.1. Disclaimer: The Platform is not liable for the actions of users, the quality of work provided, or third-party services. 8.2. Limitation: The Platform's liability in any circumstance is limited to the amount of fees it has earned from the user. 9. Changes to Terms 9.1. Right to Amend: The Platform reserves the right to modify these Terms at any time. 9.2. User Notification: Users will be notified of significant changes to the Terms via email or website notification. 10. Governing Law 10.1. Jurisdiction: These Terms are governed by the laws of California. 10.2. Compliance: Users are responsible for complying with local laws and regulations.</p>

3. Contact Information

<p>11. Contact Information 11.1. For queries, concerns regarding these Terms or to report a user, please contact us at</p>